Juneteenth Celebration


Join the Stoutsburg Sourland African American Museum for their third annual Juneteenth celebration, "Freedom Forward," on Saturday, June 15th, 2024 from 12 PM to 4 PM. Experience a family-friendly event filled with live Gospel music, original plays, interactive games, and mouthwatering cuisine, including vegan options. Explore their Heritage Garden and take guided tours of their historic grounds.

Experience the rich tapestry of African American history in the Sourland Mountain Region. Event held at the National Historic-Registered Mt. Zion AME church in Skillman, NJ and the adjacent True Farmstead. Take part in an immersive cultural journey you won't want to miss!

Join members of Montgomery's Inclusion and Equity Committee by signing up for volunteer with SSAAM at the event, or purchase a ticket, or find sponsorship or vendor opportunities or more info at https://www.ssaamuseum.org/juneteenth-2024

Community Center

Otto Kaufman
356 Skillman Road
Skillman, NJ 08558
(609) 466-3023

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Emergency: Dial 911
Non-Emergency: (908) 359-3222